H012 | Enamel pasteurising pot with element and thermostat |
H210 | 20 L wooden cheese press |
H108 | floating dairy thermometer |
H10B | Floating dairy thermometer protective cover |
H028 | 1-5 – 2-5 kg kadova mould and lid |
H168 | cheesecloth |
H050 | draining gauze squares 20cm x20cm |
H015 | economy plastic curd cutter |
HC50RSF742 | RSF742 starter culture for cheddar |
H063 | liquid animal rennet |
H214A | calcium-chloride |
Optional Additives:
H215 | sodium-nitrate |
HANS/HANB | annatto |
H075 | cheese-coating with antifungal |
H076 | cheese-wax in various colours |
Milk: Whole milk with approx 3.5-4% cream. Use milk not more than an hour after milking. If you need to store the milk, cool it down to 4°C as quickly as possible. Do not use cooled milk that is more than 24hrs old. Alternatively pasteurize the milk: 63°C – 30min or 72°C – 20sec.
Temperature: Adjust the milk temperature to 32°C
Starter: Chr.Hansen’s DVS RSF-742 DVS: One 50U packet contains 50 units which inoculates 500L milk . Or for small producers add 1/3 flattened small teaspoon to every 10 liters milk. Let the milk stand at 32°C (pre-ripen) for 30 minutes.
Additives: Natural coloring: Annatto (ANS) 0.5ml per 100 liters is required only if the consumer finds a more orange colored cheese appealing. Calcium Chloride (H214) 15ml per 100 liters is required only if the milk has a low calcium content resulting in a soft, sloppy curd. Sodium Nitrate (H215) 12 gram per 100 liters is required, only if the milk is unpasteurized it Reduces growth of unwanted bacteria.
Rennet: Use either powdered microbial rennet (H068A) OR liquid microbial rennet (H066, H067, H068) OR liquid animal rennet (H063, H064, H065). Powdered microbial rennet (H068A) – 2g/100L Liquid microbial rennet (H066, H067, H068) – 4 drops/L or 25ml/100L Liquid animal rennet (H063, H064, H065) – 4 drops/L or 25ml/100L Dilute the rennet in a little cool water before adding to the milk. Stir well!!! Let the milk stand at 32°C for 45-60 minutes or until the milk has set like jelly. Test the curd to check whether it has set by inserting a knife and pulling it to one side. The knife should make a clean cut.
Cutting: Cut into 7mm blocks. Cut down and across and at an angle with a sharp knife. Or cut with a curd cutter (H015 (for the H012 pasteurizing pot), H016 or H017) using a figure of eight movement. Cut for 5 minutes.
Stand: Allow the curds to set for 15 minutes.
Heating: Heat the curds to 37°C, increasing the temperature no more than one degree every 5 minutes. This should take about 30 minutes. Stir gently to keep the curds from matting. (One could use our 27 liter enamel digital pasteurizing pot (H012) which has a built in thermostat to slowly increase and maintain temperature) (Or a cheese vat with its own elements)
Stirring: Once the curds reach 37°C, maintain the temperature and continue stirring for 30 minutes. Let them rest for 5 minutes.
Draining: Drain off the whey. Pour the curds into a large colander and drain for several minutes. Do not drain too long or the curds will mat. Pour the curds back into the pot and stir them briskly with your fingers, wooden spoon or big plastic fork, separating any curd particles that have matted.
Salting: Add 20 gram salt per 10 liter milk and blend well. Do not squeeze the curds; simply mix the salt into them.
Stirring: Keep the curds at 37°C for 1 hour, stirring every 5 minutes to avoid matting. The curds can be kept at 37°C by resting the cheese pot in a sink or bowl full of 37°C water or using the H012 pot or a cheese vat.
Moulding: Line a mould with cheesecloth (H168) and place the curds into the mould. 10 liters milk require a 1kg mould, 20 liters a 2kg mould etc. The Kadova moulds (H028) can be used without the nets. It is probably the best shape and size at 1.5 – 2.5 kilogram (15 – 25 liters). Small cheeses tend to dry out and then need waxing.
Pressing: Press the cheese with 7 times the weight of the cheese for 10 minutes. Remove the cheese from the mould and gently peel away the cheesecloth. Turn over the cheese, re-dress it, and press at 14 times the weight of the cheese for 24 hours turning and re-dressing the cheese from time to time.
Maturing: Remove the cheese from the mould and peel away the cheesecloth. Place on draining gauze square (H050). Air-dry at room temperature for 1 -2 days, or until the cheese is dry to the touch. Waxing: Waxing is not essential but does prevent the cheese from drying out. Heat the wax (H076) to 120°C for 6 seconds and dip the cheese in the wax. Dip one side, let the wax dry (few seconds) and then dip the other side.
Storage: Age at 12-14°C and 95% humidity depending upon size of the cheese and strength of flavour required for 2 – 9 months. Place cheese over a bowl of water or wet the floor of the aging room. The smaller the cheese the thicker the rind and the sooner the cheese will dry out.
Cleaning: Clean all equipment well after use. Rinse in warm water, wash in hot water with HD001 orange gel and then soak in a solution of HD013 iodine antibacterial, Air dry. Before use rinse well in clean water and towel dry with a paper towel. Be careful to avoid any anti-bacterial solution residue on the equipment.